Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell Hill, London, N10

To Rent - £175 pcm fees apply

Property photo


Single Lock up garage to rent from April 2023. £175.00 per calendar month. Minimum term 6 months

Further enquiries or viewings call - 02075615230

Available from 10 May 2024

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Branch Address
619 Holloway Rd
N19 5SS
A: Dillons
T: 020 7561 5230
Reference: DILLO_000114
Descriptions of the property are subjective and are used in good faith as an opinion and NOT as a statement of fact. Please make further enquiries to ensure that our descriptions are likely to match any expectations you may have of the property. We have not tested any services, systems or appliances at this property. We strongly recommend that all the information we provide be verified by you on inspection, and by your Surveyor and Conveyancer.